Thursday, 8 September 2016

All the assignment for 3D animation are finished!

Finally I finish the assignment for 3D animation. Before the end of the assignment, I still cannot imagine what s the feeling after finish all the assignment in 3D animation.Because the assignment is like endless work, we have redo and redo , improve and improve to achieve the satisfaction.

When doing the assignment, we have to learn more and more function to achieve our goal. But when I stop doing it for a few day, I will forgot how I did it and have to find again. 3Dmax have to much function inside, everyday have to suffer in finding function.

But today, due to the assignment, I finally understand that we have a lot of way to making a 3D object. Every modeler have their own way to model a 3D object. Also backup and saved the project anytime in case the project crash sometime.

Thank for my tutor helping me in my assignment and pass on the techniques to us. I really learn a lot of things in this subject.

Rendering Issue

For the third assignment of 3D animation, we have to render video with 30 second to see how the camera move.To render the 3D scene, out tutors prefer using mental ray and load "sky lighting.daylighting". This renderer is best for us to make the video become beautiful.

But this blog are made to inform everyone that to rendering a beautiful scene should not using laptop but desktops PCs. Because my laptop will take about 4 to 5 minute just for render one frame. If using laptop to render this 24x30 frames(1 second has 24 frames), the laptop will screwed up. To render my video, I used 3 desktop PCs with rendered it more than 12 hours.

Also, there is a lot of problem pop out when I rendering my video, the rendering is finished but the video cannot be played and it forced me to render again when I only using 1 desktop PC. Therefore, the next rendering, I using 3 desktop PCs to separate their pressure and also reduce the risk.

Making camera move

We must moving the camera view in creative way in doing assignment 3 for 3D animation. Actually, this assignment will be easier than assignment 2(making building). But it will take some hour to get familiar with this.

To moving a camera in easy way, we draw a line to make the camera follow the path of the line we draw(translate position), but the camera will only look at one direction so we just need to set key frame for the rotation of camera.  With this way, we no need to set key frame to make the camera move.

If it is too hard to control the rotation of camera, we could also set a target to the camera to look at.

If we get familiar to play with the camera, it is actually quite fun.

Making 3D building

When doing the assignment 2 of 3D animation which is modelling 4 building. The most important function for me to create building is boolean. This function allow us to combine two object or either cut a object with the other object.

Also, I will show my result of the building in this blog.

For this building only, I used boolean function for its balcony by using curve box boolean with another normal box to get the shape of the landing space. Same as well with the window and rooftop. Therefore, if everyone don't know how to a weird and complex shape, try to use boolean to get that shape. In this assignment, I also learn that we must very patient to make the 3D buildings.